Inspired by a YouTube video I watched earlier this week, yesterday, I tried writing a new kind of blog post. In it, I took all the main events from my day and recounted the [very mundane] events in the form of a short story. It was pretty relaxing and cathartic to write, so I thought I’d write another. Therefore, here’s a recap of August 24, 2023, retold as a short story. Enjoy.

Before scrolling any further, why not go grab yourself a nice, little snack or drink or any other tiny indulgence to enjoy while reading? Kick back, relax, and hang on the site for a minute. You have my permission. ðŸ˜„

Morning came far too soon.

After staying up a little later than intended, 6:00 arrived brutally early. (I just couldn’t peel myself away from the total shitstorm of a first Republic debate last night.) With half-open eyes, I forced myself out of my very warm and comfy bed and stumbled into the kitchen for my morning pre-workout.

Minutes later, the rush of caffeine hit my system, and I was re-energized. Off to the gym I went.

I’m pretty sure this was my first pre-6:30 AM workout in months. The early trip brought back such unpleasant memories of my daily 5:30 AM before-school gym sessions when I worked in public education. As tired as I was, however, something inspired me to run not just 4 miles this morning but an entire 10k. I even put up a casual 47:08 — not too shabby, considering I only planned to run for 30 minutes!

For once, I wasn’t late coming home, but there was a sense of urgency nonetheless, because I had a one-hour teacher training scheduled with one of my schools in Europe. After 10 years in the classroom, I don’t typically feel anxious before presenting anything. However, this was my first time delivering this specific presentation to a live studio audience, and as every teacher knows, the first run through of a less is really just a first draft. (The presentation must have gone well, though, because the principal emailed me afterward to say she’d never seen her staff so excited to use a new tool, so I’ll take it.)

After my training call, I then had a pretty productive morning and successfully knocked out entire to-do list by lunch. It’s truly amazing how much work you can get done when you can just sit and focus, while jamming out to your music.

Lunch today was interesting, in that I didn’t really have a meal. Instead, I ate a random assortment of whatever I could find in the fridge. This included leftover pork chops, some grapes, and two apples. While eating, I worked on the blog. For some reason, I felt inspired me to write this post on my macro tracking app, MacroFactor. I even drafted, edited, and published the entire post in one sitting, which never happens. I was just really crushing it today.

Once lunch was over, I headed back to my computer for an afternoon call with a prospect. Sadly, I got ghosted. Again. 😔👻

Fortunately, emotional recovery didn’t take too long. Once I moved past my ghosting, I wrapped up a couple tasks, sent some last-minute emails, and organized my calendar for tomorrow. Then, I called it a day and allowed myself to enjoy the wonderful but under-appreciated midday shower.

Josh returned home around 5:00. He changed quickly, then we were back in the car minutes later. Every Thursday night, we eat out at our favorite local Mexican restaurant, Los Tres Magueyes. As always, I ordered a chicken quesadilla with rice, and Josh ordered his Fajitas Texanas. He always orders a guacamole salad, too, so I can eat it. What a doll.

We left the Mexican restaurant with stuffed bellies (at least, I was stuffed – I always overeat) and took refuge on the couch for the rest of the evening. Josh worked on his first homework assignments for his Master’s program (they grow up so fast 🥲), while I did some reading on the computer. Tonight, I read several articles on reality tv show production.

Speaking of reality tv, we wrapped up the night with my favorite activity: watching trash reality TV. Currently, we’re absorbed in Season 5 of Love Island USA. We watched tonight’s new episode — then, lights out! We called it a night.

There you have it. August 24, 2023, in a nutshell.

So now I’m wondering: What did you do today? What was your story for August 24, 2023? Let me know in the comments 😊

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