In today's post, I miraculously reported for on-site work once again – y'all, I forgot how totally exhausting this was!) – and then spent the afternoon pursuing some creative endeavors.

Hi, friends! Welcome back to another blog post.

Today was a pretty good one – but oh my gosh, it was so freakin' busy. I was so tired by the time I went to bed and think this was, like, another night that I was in bed lights out by no later than 9 o’clock.

So I went into the office again today – and I don’t even know the last time I went into the office two days in a row. 

I think I also forgot how tiring it is to report for on-site work multiple consecutive days. And I don’t even stay/go for full days.

But on office days like today, it’s just so much running around.  Because it’s, like, this:

I get up. I get started at like 6:30 and take some calls. And then I quickly have to get ready to go into the office, so I pack up all my stuff and do that. 

Then I run allllll the way across town, get to the office, sit there, and have some in-person meetings. And then I pack up all my stuff once more, rush home to let the dog out, and then I have lunch, and then I just finish my last two working hours from home. 

But all that running around is really freakin' tiring – and I know that probably sounds really dramatic, especially if you’re somebody who has to report to work every single day.

Like, I literally don’t know how I did that for ten year. Let alone how I used to work two full-time jobs

I guess Im just not as and youthful as I once was. Because I absolutely could never do live that kind of life ever, ever, ever again.

I Forgot How Totally Exhausting This Was // at work

So by the time that my workday ended, I was just completely fried.

But I actually did manage quite a bit of writing today – or at least, a lot of planning an outlining. Including a couple blog posts that I started working on.

Today, I also think I realized I probably just need to force myself to write, even when I'm not 100% in the mood. Because, right now, I’m just waiting until I feel inspired to do anything productive.

But unfortunately, I’m just (probably) never going to feel inspired at the right time because I’m 100% a morning person. Which means I’m either working during my prime hours. Or it’s a weekend – and I’m just, like, up and moving.

So... forcing myself, like I did today, will probably become necessary if I want to do produce worthwhile. Because while these daily blog posts are fun and all, they aren't exactly high-quality content that anyone outside of my life orbit cares about. 😂

I Forgot How Totally Exhausting This Was // with raleigh

But once Josh got home, I set the computer aside, and then we pretty much just had dinner (veggie quesadillas tonight) and watched some more Superstore.

Then, by like 8:30, I was, falling asleep on the couch, so I was like, "I need to go to bed," and that's exactly what I did.

So, ya. That was the day. A pretty good one – but a very tiring one, indeed, with lots and lots of running around. Because I clearly forgot how totally exhausting it is to run all over kingdom come for work.

I Forgot How Totally Exhausting This Was // cuddling raleigh
I Forgot How Totally Exhausting This Was // hugging raleigh

So until tomorrow, my friends 👋🏼 And thanks for reading!

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Okay, that's it for today. Bye!


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