Welp, here we are with another fitness post. As I’ve stated before, ever since undergoing my 60-pound weight loss journey, fitness has kind of become a major passion of mine. And by unpopular opinion, one of my favorite days at gym is leg day. Even more specifically, butt day. So in this post, hot off the heels of another lower body workout, I’m sharing with you five of my favorite glute exercises. These are the five exercises I have found to be most effective in building a beautiful booty. 🕺🍑

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Before scrolling any further, why not go grab yourself a nice, little snack or drink or any other tiny indulgence to enjoy while reading? Kick back, relax, and hang on the site for a minute. You have my permission. 😄

Preface: These exercises are in no particular order, though I did group exercises based on the equipment you need.

Dumbbell Goblet Squats

Tip: Shift your weight back onto your heels to really feel that booty burn.

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

Tip: As you lower your dumbbells, keep stretching until those dumbbells are hovering just a fraction off the ground. Slowing the “lowering” part of the exercise down will really allow you feel the burn in your backside!

Cable Kickbacks

Tip: Hold the “kickback position” for a 2 count, then slowly return your foot to the starting point. You’ll get a lot more out of this if you aren’t rapidly kicking backward like an irate donkey.

Barbell Lunges

Tip: I prefer doing all my right leg reps before doing my left leg reps, and I’d recommend doing the same (or vice versa — either way, just focus on one leg at a time). I find my legs reach greater points of exhaustion toward the end of the set when I isolate legs instead of alternating.

Also – watch your kneecaps. You don’t want them leaning over the shoelaces. I like to focus more so on lowering my back knee straight down the ground. It helps me from leaning forward during the exercise.

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Tip: I like to add a 2-second hold and count to the exercise. Once the barbell is in the “raised” position, add that pause in there (and if you’re feeling daring, add a glute squeeze) and you’ll feel it a LOT more.

Glute Exercises – Summary

Building gorgeous, rotund glutes doesn’t have to be as miserable and challenging as many people think. Give with these five exercises a go, and then tell me afterward didn’t feel your glutes growing with every rep!

So now I’m wondering: What are you favorite glute exercises? Which do you find help you build your most beautiful booty? Let me know in the comments!

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