I’ve recently been on a huge chicken fajitas kick. Seriously, I’m making them like four times a week right now — but is anyone surprised? I literally write about eating Mexican food five times a week.

Anyway, this chicken fajita recipe is just such an easy-to-make high-protein, low calorie meal. I’m obsessed. I actually just made chicken fajitas for lunch like fifteen minutes ago and figured — Hey! Why not make a post sharing my recipe? So here you are: My Chicken Fajitas recipe.

Be forewarned: I LOVE spicy food — honestly, the hotter the better, and there’s no such thing as too hot — and this recipe is SPICY. Feel free to modify the instructions to accommodate your preferred level of spiciness. Personally, I like when it feels like my tongue bleeds a little bit 😊

Before scrolling any further, why not go grab yourself a nice, little snack or drink or any other tiny indulgence to enjoy while reading? Kick back, relax, and hang on the site for a minute. You have my permission. ðŸ˜„


When making my chicken fajitas, I use a wide variety of ingredients. These include:

  • 160g Chicken Tenderloin
  • 30g Green Pepper
  • 30g Red Pepper
  • 30g Yellow Pepper
  • 30g Sweet Onion
  • 30g Mushrooms
  • 30g Queso (Optional — but highly recommend)
  • Buffalo Sauce
  • Olive Oil
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Pepper
  • Salt


  1. Drizzle, stir, and preheat olive oil, hot sauce, red pepper flakes, pepper, and salt in two separate skillets.
  2. In the first skillet, warm chicken until cooked through. This typically takes about 8 minutes, depending on the heat. Flip your chicken once halfway through.
  3. While chicken is warming, dice up green pepper, red pepper, yellow pepper, sweet onion, and mushrooms.
  4. Once diced, place veggies in the second skillet. Warm at low/simmer.
  5. Once chicken is cooked through, flip for one additional minute on its original side. Then, dice chicken and add back to skillet.
  6. Take veggies from skillet number 2, pour into skillet with chicken.
  7. Cover skillet and let simmer for 5 minutes. Stir at the 2:30 mark.
  8. Remove chicken and veggies from the skillet. Plate or bowl your meal.
  9. For cheese lovers: Drizzle queso on your fajitas. Stir the queso into your meal. Thank me later.
  10. Enjoy!
chicken fajitas

Chicken Fajitas – Overview

In total, this chicken fajita recipe only takes about 15 minutes to make, from start to finish, and provides a healthy burst of nutrients. One serving only carries about 262 calories (39g protein, 8g fat, 8g carbs) and is immensely filling. Better yet — couple the fajitas with a tortilla and/or rice, and you’ve definitely got yourself a banging meal.

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