In yesterday’s post, I wrote about updating the master bedroom and first guest room/home office. Today (September 1, 2023), I took the plunge and tackled the chaotic third bedroom. Here’s how that experience went. (Spoiler: NOT Well.)

Also – Happy September! Fall is here (or at least – it’s right around the corner.) I don’t know about you, but I am SO ready to say “hasta la vista, baby” to the total hellscape that this summer in Raleigh has been.

Anyway, back to the post.

Before scrolling any further, why not go grab yourself a nice, little snack or drink or any other tiny indulgence to enjoy while reading? Kick back, relax, and hang on the site for a minute. You have my permission. ðŸ˜„

So the time had come. I could no longer avoid the third bedroom any longer. It took me just about all day to mentally prepare for this doozy. But once I logged out of work for the weekend, game on.

I knew this room was going to be tough. Still (in hindsight), I think I went into this room with too much confidence. Three factors made this room so tough.

  • Exhibit A: It had become a catch-all throughout the entire move, so the room was jam-packed with furniture.
  • Exhibit B: Let me tell you: this furniture was HEAV-Y. I consider myself a relatively strong bloke, but oh my LORD, I could barely move this furniture for the life of me.
  • Exhibit C: I also don’t think the cramped-ness of the room compared to the big-ness of the furniture did this chore any favors, either. (I actually think this is the smallest room in the house.) Not only could I barely lift the furniture, I could barely move/pivot once I actually got the furniture off the ground.

Nevertheless, he persisted. He survived; and in the end, he conquered. And oh BOY – he was so happy with the outcome. From complete cluster of a room to a civilized sleeping space: the room underwent a full 180 in the two hours I spent maneuvering furniture around. Take a look.

My biggest regret with this room is that I forgot to take a completely “BEFORE” picture to show you how bad the room was at the start of this process.

I did, however, capture this beaut mid-move to send to Josh, taken as the furniture pinned me into the back corner of the room. I just really wanted him to know what he was missing, so he could live vicariously through me.

I’ll forego the original, accompanying caption he received, but I will let you know one thing: foul language abounded. Use your creativity.

(And if you aren’t picking up what I’m putting down, I will spell it out for you: The sailor’s mouth was on full display this afternoon, ladies and gents.)

september 1, 2023

Fortunately, the hard work is now done, which means we can focus on the fun part: Decorating! With Josh out of town this weekend, I’m planning to spend some time tomorrow and Sunday sprucing up the space, what with fall upon us and the big furniture in its rightful place.

So now I’m wondering: What did you do today? What was your story for September 1, 2023? Let me know in the comments 😊

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