Yesterday, I wrote about Josh’s “official” move into the townhouse. Today (August 31, 2023), the move-in process continues! I make some small progress on the bedroom, as well as some big progress in the first guest room/home office. Narration and photos are below.

Before scrolling any further, why not go grab yourself a nice, little snack or drink or any other tiny indulgence to enjoy while reading? Kick back, relax, and hang on the site for a minute. You have my permission. 😄

I’m somebody who completely obsesses over tasks until they’re 100% done and I am happy with the outcome. Therefore, home decorating after a move will consume my every thought until every last thing is in its rightful new place.

Today, I first focused on finishing up the bedroom. Last night, we had the bedroom mostly put together, but there were just some finishing touches I wanted to put into the room today. Namely, I wanted to “cozy up” the couch. It looked a little bland, but some pillows and a throw blanket seemed to do the trick. This throw, specifically, matched really well with the sandy colors in the room! I love it.

Next, I want to purchase a large, arced floor lamp. (Like so.) I feel like that would nicely occupy the awkward empty space behind the couch while also making the space feel even cozier. Thoughts? Let me know in the comments. 😊

After the bedroom, I directed my focus to the first guest room/home office. I spend a lot of time in this room, and the cluttered space was driving me absolutely nuts. I don’t know about you, but I just cannot focus for the life of me in chaotic spaces. That proves relatively problematic when I cannot focus in my working space.

Updates in this room included:

  • Finding the comforter set and making the bed;
  • Recycling tons of used scrap paper (including an oldddd draft from my Master’s Program capstone project);
  • Watering the snake plant before it died;
  • Cleaning up the nightstand and equipping it with “nightstand essentials,” such as a variety of chargers;
  • Setting up the television (and locating the remote);
  • Vacuuming.

Now, the only thing left to do in this room is to locate the second pillowcase. (I’ve got no idea which moving/storage bin that temporarily disappeared into.) The house isn’t too big, though, so it couldn’t have gone too far.

And that’s pretty much all there is to report from August 31, 2023, a day dedicated to squeezing in more move-in tasks. Tomorrow, I’m planning to tackle the big kahuna: the second guest room. Right now, that room is a total nightmare.

So now I’m wondering: What did you do today? What was your story for August 31, 2023? Let me know in the comments 😊

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