In yesterday’s Being 30 entry, I wrote about prepping for Josh’s move. Today (August, 30, 2023), we are deep in the throngs of moving! This post describes the big move (and includes our living room set up).

The day of the big move has finally arrived! Leading up to the movers’ 3:00 arrival, however, the day was pretty unremarkable:

  • I had a very random workout this morning in that I exercised a little bit of everything. (I just wasn’t in the mood to do anything specific.)
  • Work was pretty busy. I ended up going into the office to crank out my to-do list. The chaos at home was overwhelmingly distracting.
  • For lunch, I once again ate chicken fajitas. Spoiler alert: this is the last time I plan to eat fajitas for a few days. I’ve literally eaten fajitas for my last three meals now.

After lunch, I turned on my out of office for a couple hours. Then, I headed over to Josh’s apartment to supervise the move. At the time, I felt pretty overwhelmed because I was not only trying to organize his move, but I was also trying to organize a furniture pick up and drop off at my house, too. Thankfully, Josh took off work a little bit early so he could help out. 🙏 Praise.

Anyway, aside from the disagreeable weather (naturally, it started raining mid-move, thanks to Hurricane Idalia), both loading and unloading actually went pretty hijinks-free.

To help out, we hired a local, Raleigh-based moving service (GoMove). They were great! Very timely (they were ahead of schedule — which I’ve never experienced with movers before), quick, and efficient, I’d definitely recommend them to anyone in the Raleigh area in need of movers or junk removal.

I didn’t intend on participating much in the actual moving of furniture, but we only hired the team for two hours. In hindsight, we probably should have hired them for three. Though there wasn’t a lot of furniture to move, we didn’t really account for the amount of time it would take to scale three floors on an elevator at Josh’s complex over and over again. We also didn’t really account for the commute between his place and mine during rush hour… and in hurricane rain. So, against my wishes, I found myself participating in furniture moving. Sigh.

Fortunately, all the furniture got moved into the house — and we even had 15 minutes to spare. But once the movers left… that’s when the true fun began. Because the house was in total shambles.

Boxes, decor, and pieces of deconstructed furniture were everywhere. I do not function well in cluttered and chaotic spaces (Coach Dar explains why in her book The Art of Bouncing Back), so the house had kind of transformed into my personal seventh circle of hell. To mitigate some of the stress, we agreed to focus on just one room at a time, starting with the living room. Here’s an update picture:

I’m actually pretty happy with how the living room turned out. Our interior design styles and preferences are pretty similar, so blending our two houses-worth of furniture won’t be very challenging.

We then ordered some digital map prints off Etsy (Knoxville, TN; Raleigh, NC; and Harrisburg, PA) to place over the couch. Hopefully, we’ll receive our files soon. We’re planning to then blow the prints up on some large canvases. I think it’s going to look great! If you have any other ideas, please feel free to drop those in the comments. 😊

After unpacking, setting up the living room, and order our new decor, we were completely exhausted. We cooked a late dinner (pork chops on the grill), then both knocked out on the couch by 9:30.

And that was our day moving! So now I’m wondering: What did you do today? What was your story for August 30, 2023? Let me know in the comments 😊

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