Yesterday, I bid the weekend “adieu” and returned to the land of the working. Today (August 29, 2023), I began prepping for Josh’s move-in.

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Sometimes, I think Tuesdays may be worse than Mondays. At least on Mondays, you’re coming off the R&R of the weekend. By Tuesday, though, the work week has already done a number on you, and you’re just left feeling like a tired shell of a person when that alarm goes off.

At the gym this morning, I got the day started with a 5-mile run. Today, I clocked a time of 38:54. Far from my best, but I dunno — I just haven’t been feeling the gym much the past couple days. I definitely go through phases of being super into the gym and super not into the gym. I am for sure in one of my super not into the gym phases, but I know it’ll pass in time. Just gotta power through it.

Work this morning was actually pretty freakin’ busy. Fortunately, I didn’t have any calls, so I was able to just plug and chug through the workload relatively undistracted.

For lunch, I made Chicken Fajitas for like the fifth time this week. (I actually posted the recipe here.) Right now, I am on a huge chicken fajita kick. They’re just so tasty, and they’re so quick to make, that they have become a lunchtime favorite of mine.

The rest of the work day passed relatively unremarkably. I had two brief calls, and before I knew it, the work day had ended, and it was time to log off. Yeehaw.

After work, Josh and I made more chicken fajitas for dinner. (His suggestion.) Then, we picked up the U-Haul in preparation for tomorrow’s move. I always feel like an absolute unit whenever I drive one of these. Aside from needing to reverse 20 yards out of the truck’s parking spot, we avoided any other hijinks. (Granted, the drive from U-Haul to our house is less than 3 miles.)

Fortunately, we parked the U-Haul just moments before storms rolled in for the evening. While it thundered and lightening for the rest of the evening, Josh took quiz and I worked on my next vlog. (Head over to the John Denn YouTube page and Subscribe in the meantime!)

Once Josh finished his quiz, we watched just one episode of American Housewife, then off to bed we went! And that was that for August 29, 2023.

So now I’m wondering: What did you do today? What was your story for August 29, 2023? Let me know in the comments 😊

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